John Barrow’s Home Page

Welcome to the Homepage for all of my online projects. I’m still very much on a learning curve regarding online pages and the differences between posts and blogs and pages and vlogs, so please bear with me – also please feed back any comments or criticisms you may have about the way I’ve laid things out, etc. Advice would be welcomed too, if you’re an expert in these things.

For easier navigation, I’ve divided my sites up into two main areas, Fiction and Non-Fiction (i.e. family history)

There are, inevitably I think, some topics which just refuse to fit neatly into a framework and, to accommodate these, I’ve created a page of ‘Odds and Ends’ links where you’ll find links to information on Genealogy and DNA testing and anything else which I find just won’t sit in the main skeleton. 

The family saga will eventually continue with two new generations, my own children, which I am calling the +1 generation and their children, my grandchildren, the +2 generation.

Here, in the near future, you’ll find their stories, written in their own style and bursting with new and accurate, up to date information (I hope). 

If the link doesn’t work just yet, it’s because I haven’t motivated the kids enough to write their pieces. I will keep nagging!

If you don’t want to take the scenic tour around my pages, going the long way round, following random links and exploring, you can always “Beam me up, Scotty” and take a hyper-leap via the main site index page.

But be warned, not all the links are active yet; remember it’s a work-in-progress still.

Finally, my wife Shahida is an immensely talented artist and I have written a few of my reactions to some of her works on her webpage. You can see my notes and some of my favourite paintings by following this link.

If you want to pass on your thoughts to me, about errors or suggestions for new directions in my fiction or non-fiction, please post something on my Blog page below.

Thank you, please read on and Enjoy.